Yoga & Pilates

Physique Resistance Band

Soft Over Ball

Pro Foam Roller

Yoga Block

Physique Gym Ball

Pilates Ring

Yoga Brick


Core Fitness Mat

Studio Mat

Studio Pro Mat

Yoga Mats
Our Yoga & Pilates Range
Yoga & Pilates are fast becoming the most popular gym classes around the world, we offer a range of products that have been specifically designed for these activities, Yoga Block, Brick & Belt are just what you need for your Yoga class! The Studio Mat is our most popular selling mat, they are ideal for any gym or home fitness class you do! If you are looking for guidance on which products to get please refer to our relevant Buyers' Guides, we have one on Pilates Mats, Balls and Rings and we also have one made in partnership with Core Elements: Yoga for Beginners with Core Elements
Yoga and Pilates FAQs
The following information is not meant to be in any way prescriptive and is merely content that has been compiled to help you make an informed decision about which product could suit you. Please remember to contact your physician or sports health professional for proper, qualified guidance.
What is the purpose of Yoga?
The main aim of yoga is to create harmony between the mind and body through deep breathing, yoga poses and intense concentration which promotes relaxation and can have numerous other benefits for both the mind and body. It can be described as a holistic approach to health as it is all-encompassing, it can make us feel better, mentally, physically, spiritually and yoga even makes us feel more grounded to the environment if it is done outdoors.
What are the benefits of yoga?
Yoga is capable of making us feel better physically, mentally, and “spiritually”. Possible benefits for the body include relieving tension, increasing flexibility, reducing inflammation, increasing your strength and stamina, and can positively impact your immunity. Yoga also poses numerous benefits for mindfulness, it can be used to reduce anxiety, improve mental health and is effective for stress relief which can all help promote better sleep.
Is a yoga mat necessary for yoga?
Yoga mats help to stabilise you when performing yoga exercises and they help support you when getting into tricky positions. This means the mat can help prevent injuries and makes your yoga session exceedingly more comfortable, this subsequently makes the benefits posed by yoga more effective for both your physical and mental health.
What kind of workout is Pilates?
Pilates is a low impact exercise. This means it is not at all high intensity or too demanding and can be compared to yoga, walking, or cycling. Pilates compromises of frequent, controlled movements that poses numerous physical benefits and can even positively impact your mental health.
What is Pilates good for?
Pilates can be a great mood booster and can therefore be recommended to anyone looking to improve their mental health through exercise. Pilates is also good for the body; with numerous benefits including muscle strengthening and toning (especially core muscles), it can also improve your stability, flexibility and mobility.
What is the difference between Yoga and Pilates?
Yoga and Pilates are very similar in terms of their aims and the benefits that they can provide. However, they are distinguishably different and more effective for specific purposes. Yoga is more effective at promoting flexibility and improving the flexibility of specific joints, this is of course because of the range and extent of yoga positions. Pilates on the other hand is less effective for flexibility and more beneficial for relaxation and therefore is better for pain relief and relieving tension, the muscles are also strengthened more effectively which helps reduce muscle pain.
Is there a difference between a yoga mat and a Pilates mat?
Although a Pilates mat and Yoga mat could technically be used interchangeably, they are markedly different – Pilates mats are usually a bit thicker than yoga mats. This is because floor exercises with Pilates are more intense and require more support during sessions