Massage Tools

Pro Foam Roller

Spikey Balls


Thumper Sport

The WaveStone

RockBlades 2.0


Thumper Verve

Cupping Set
Our Massage Tools Range
Massage Tools are specially designed tools for deep tissue, acupressure and trigger point therapy. Therapists may find their thumbs and palms becoming tired after performing countless hours of deep tissue massage, here you can retire and find help with some of these Massage Tools. For more products and information, please take a look at our Massage section, our Massage Balls and Massage oils, cremes and lotions. We also have buyers guide on massage tools if the questions below don't answer any questions you may have
Massage Tools FAQs
What are the tools used in massage therapy and sports massage?
There are a range of tools that can be used for both massage therapy and sports massage treatments. Our Massage tools cover everything you might need from massage balls and thumb tools to hot stones which can be used for hot stone therapy. Here's a list of common massage tools:
- Massage Balls
- Massage Sticks
- Thumb Tools
- Hot Stones
- Handheld massage tools
Which massage tool should I use for self-massage?
You can use most massage tools for self-massage, except the ones that are designed for therapist use of course. The thumper massagers are an excellent device for self-massage, the Thumper Mini Pro is designed to be used on the neck and back.
The shape of Thumper Massagers allows you to reach even the hardest to reach knots and muscles and can easily be held over each shoulder with one hand so you can use them on yourself, anytime and anywhere.
Other massage tools great for self-massage include massage balls and massage sticks, please read our buyers guide mentioned above for more information.
What is a massage stick and how do you use it?
A massage stick is a massage tool used for rolling out tension and aches in specific muscles. A massage stick is primarily used on the calf muscles and it is rolled up and down the length of the muscle, remember to not apply too much pressure but enough to feel the benefits of using a massage stick.
Athletes find it particularly useful for recovery and tense muscles, people with plantar fasciitis sometimes develop muscle tension in the calves if left untreated so a massage stick comes in handy for this as well, please visit our Plantar Fasciitis Insoles and Treatment buyers guide and the relevant Plantar Fasciitis products.
What do hot stones do in massage?
Hot stones, although not primarily massage tools can be used for massage treatments. Hot stones are used in hot stone therapy, a massage technique that involves placing the heated stone on the body, this relaxes the muscles and can release tension.
Our hot stones also include pressure point massage tools and technically the Wavestone is a hot stone too because it can be heated and cooled for Hot and Cold Therapy and Hot Stone Therapy. Please visit our Hot Stone Massage section for more information
Which massage tool is the best?
Our range includes massage tools for a wide variety of uses and applications so it depends on what exactly you need massage tools for, as a massage therapist or sports therapist you might find that the Therapist Thumb Tool is actually your most useful tool because it will help save your hands from a lot of unnecessary pain.
As mentioned above, certain massage tools are effective for specific purposes, the massage stick is great for calves and tension whereas the acuroll heatable massage ball is especially good for back pain and Thumpers are optimised for neck, back and shoulder pain. Ultimately the best massage tool will depend on what you need it for, please visit the relevant buyer's guide mentioned above in the header of this section.