English National Ballet

English National Ballet

Founded in 1950 as London Festival Ballet by the great English Dancers Alicia Markova and Anton Dolin, English National Ballet has been at the forefront of ballet’s growth and evolution ever since.

Why English National Ballet work with us:

“Our dancers put their bodies through a lot, so it’s important to us to have quality physiotherapy products on hand to ensure we can maintain their health and well-being.

Physique are able to provide us with a large range of high quality products and their knowledgeable customer service team are always on hand to help with questions or product choices and we are confident in their ability to quickly deliver what we need to ensure our dancers are in top condition to perform.”

- English National Ballet

How our partnership works:

Physique provides the medical team at the English National Ballet with the sports healthcare and rehabilitation products they need to help keep their dancers fit and healthy and ready to perform.

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