Free Webinar | The Physical Development of a Pre-Professional Elite Ballet Dancer

24 February 2021

Royal Ballet

The Physical Development of a Pre-Professional Elite Ballet Dancer

A collaboration with the Royal Ballet School.

Join us and Deputy Healthcare Manager and Upper School Physiotherapist Wayne Kitchener, Upper School Strength and Conditioning Coach Matthew Lamarque and Lower School Strength and Conditioning Coach and PhD Candidate Niall MacSweeney as we discuss the Physical Development of a Pre-Professional Elite Ballet Dancer.

During the webinar the following topics will be covered:

  • Introduction to the Royal Ballet School and it's set up     
  • A focus on the lower school profile including growth and maturation       
  • Highlighting the transition into becoming a professional at the Upper School       
  • Q & A session

Webinar Date: 1st March 2021

Webinar Time: 7:00 pm GMT

Spaces are limited and are sure to go quickly so sign up now to avoid disappointment!

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