Welsh Athletics

Welsh Athletics

Physique | Preferred Physiotherapy Product Supplier to Welth Athletics
Tiger Tapes | Preferred Sports Tape and Strapping Supplier to Welsh Athletics

Welsh Athletics is the National Governing Body for the sport of Athletics in Wales. They look after the sport in all its disciplines from the grassroots up to Commonwealth Games teams.

Why Welsh Athletics work with us:

“I have used Physique products for over 10 years and recommend their extensive range and excellent customer service to anyone.

Physique remain the primary supplier of therapy and rehabilitation equipment to Welsh Athletics with their ability to provide high-quality products with quick and efficient service.

We’re really happy to be continuing our partnership with them.”

- Adam Rattenberry MSc PgC MCSP HCPC, Lead Performance Physiotherapist & Athlete Services Manager - Welsh Athletics.

Welsh Athletics

How our partnership works: 

Physique Management are the Preferred Physiotherapy Product Supplier and Tiger Tapes, Preferred Sports Tape and Strapping Supplier to Welsh Athletics.

We provide the Welsh Athletics medical team with the sports healthcare, physio and rehabilitation products they need to help keep their athletes fit, healthy and ready to compete.  

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