Resisted Romanian Deadlifts for Hamstring Strain - Welsh Athletics Injury Exercises Series
Hamstring strains are one of the most common sports injuries. They occur when one or all of the three hamstring muscles are overloaded beyond their capacity. This results in tears in the muscle which is also known as a hamstring strain.
Eccentric (or lengthening) exercises may be prescribed by your medical practitioner depending on where you are in the recovery process and the severity of your injury. These could include Nordic Curls and Romanian Deadlifts (RDLs).
This video with Welsh AthleticsLead Performance Physiotherapist,Adam Rattenberry, gives one example for doing Resisted Romanian Deadlifts. A video of Assisted Nordic Curls can be found here: Assisted Nordic Curls for Hamstring Strain
All the videos from our Welsh Athletics Injury Exercises Series can be found here: Recovery Video Guides
Please bear in mind that this video intended as a demonstration. If you have an injury or niggle, you should always seek advice from a medical professional to address it or discuss options for injury prevention.