What's in the England Netball First Aid Kit

Join England Future Roses Physiotherapist Nick Carpenter-Brooks as he unveils the essential contents of the England Netball First Aid Kit. This video is a must-watch for physiotherapists, sports therapists, and netball teams looking to optimise their injury management supplies. Nick walks through each item, from crucial emergency supplies like gloves, thermal blankets, and a mouth shield for CPR, to practical treatment tools like sterile skin closures, triangular bandages, compression tape, and various dressings. He also highlights the importance of instant ice packs, wound cleansing wipes, and sterile saline solution for immediate injury care. Learn what's included in the Physique Bum Bag and smaller run-on bag, ensuring you're fully prepared for any on-court incidents. Perfect for anyone involved in netball, this video provides valuable insights into essential first aid provisions for effective injury management.

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